Payment Plans

In this fast pace day and age payment plans can be used to elevate some of the stress caused by a possible emergency dental visit or long term dental treatment. Payment plans have become extremely common in day to day scenarios. A few of the most common include

  1. Afterpay
  2. Zip Pay
  3. Humm pay
  4. Open pay


Afterpay is one of the most common payment plans that is used on a daily basis by millions. Afterpay allows you to pay only a quarter (25%) of the total of a service or product and pay the rest in 4 easy fortnightly payments. This is a no interest payment plan so you are only paying for the total of the product or service. If you however miss a payment late fees do apply.

Zip Pay

Zip pay is another common payment plan that is paid off in instalments. Zip pay is however different to Afterpay and can be paid back over a longer period of time and you can choose the total amount that is being direct debited each payment ($10 – $100). You can also change the frequency from weekly, fortnightly or monthly. This then builds up your spending limit. Late fees also apply but also a fee of approximately $6 – $8 applies once a month if the total allowance hasn’t been up to date.

Humm Pay

Humm pay has a few requirements in order to be eligible. Humm pay can be used for large and small purchases but you must fit the following:

  • Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Be permanently employed working at least 30 hours per week or receiving an aged or veteran’s pension;
  • Have never declared bankruptcy or that your about to become or are insolvent.

There however is a $0 deposit and you can pay off your purchase from 6 – 60 months, depending on where you shop and the amount of your purchase.

Open Pay

Open pay payments can be paid to up to 24 months. There is an initial payment required but this amount depends on the total of the purchase and the length you have chosen to repay your purchase. These repayments are agreed on when making the purchase and give a few plan options. Most common is fortnightly repayments. Late fees also apply. Purchases make with open pay can be up to 30K.

All these payment plans are available at our practice so please contact our friendly staff at Pimpama City Dental Centre to book an appointment on 07 5670 3777.
