My filling fell out, what do I do?

It happens. There’s that moment when you’re chewing something and you start to question. What’s that? What’s that big hard thing in my food? And then you manage to spit out whatever it is (discreetly, because you can be sure it will happen at a meal when good manners matter). And, sure enough, you know your filling fell out. You’re certain because your tongue goes straight to the gaping hole left in your tooth.


What do I do now?

Although your filling fell out, and it’s important to you, it’s good to remember it’s not an emergency. Emergency care is needed for dental trauma with bleeding that won’t stop, or facial swelling that’s progressively getting worse. However, we recommend you call your dentist at Pimpama City Dental Centre  to get your tooth seen to as soon as your able.

Until you can see your dentist, make sure you keep the tooth the filling fell out from as clean as you can manage, rinsing, brushing and flossing around it. It may also be a good idea to chew on the other side of your mouth to prevent your tooth breaking down anymore.


Why do fillings fall out?

However well your filling was done, it is at best only a repair. That’s why it’s important to try to keep our teeth as close to their optimum healthy condition as we can. With dental wear, the margins around the filling may become worn over time so the tooth can’t hold the filling any longer. These worn margins also make it possible for bacteria to get into the tooth, so there could be decay beneath the filling and this could be the reason for it becoming loose.

Old silver amalgam fillings require wider space at the base than the top to stay in place, however over time the remaining tooth becomes weaker and more prone to fracturing with temperature changes from foods and drinks.


What will my dentist do if my filling fell out?

Your Dentist will examine the affected tooth, and see if there’s any further decay to treat. If it’s straightforward, then another filling will simply be placed in the space. If there is active decay, this will be removed prior to placing another filling. If the remaining natural tooth structure is weak & the infection has spread into the root, root canal treatment will be required followed by a crown.

When a patient agrees to an extraction, the dentist will discuss replacement choices, such as a bridge or an implant.


How can I stop it happening again?

If you attend regular appointments every year for your professional teeth clean, your Dentist will check the health of your teeth and fillings each time. If your Dentist spots a problem, pro-active treatment helps to prevent problems progressing in the future. For example, your Dentist may remove a worn filling and replace it before it falls out. Good oral hygiene routine at home helps protect your teeth and guard against tooth decay.
