Caring for Your Teeth – Coming Out of Isolation

It can be easily forgotten in the midst of a global pandemic but we can’t stress enough the importance of caring for your oral hygiene. Especially when dental practices were limited to providing emergency services only for a time period. This means many of our patients missed out on their regular six monthly check up and clean. It’s important for you to book an appointment with us at Pimpama City Dental Centre as soon as possible for any cancelled appointments but in the mean time we have some tips to help you and your family look after your teeth.

1. Toothbrushes
Toothbrushes are prone to accumulating bacteria, saliva and blood. You should never share a toothbrush. It would be a good idea to dispose of your toothbrush and use a brand new one, for yourself and your family.
2. Brush Regularly
Brush regularly (2 times per day) but not aggressively. Ensure your technique includes brushing gently towards the gum margin in a circular motion. An electric brush can help optimize techniques. Whether you’re using a manual brush or an electric, soft brushes are essential.

3. Flossing
Flossing is always important. Cleaning between teeth removes plaque that can lead to cavities or gum disease. They are also the areas where a toothbrush can’t reach so flossing is the only way to ensure these areas are kept clean and free from bacteria.

4. Mouthwash
Use a mouthwash with 1% peroxide for 30 seconds. This works well for viral content, as COVID-19 is a virus that doesn’t like detergent or alcohol based products. This usually lasts 2-3 hours and can slightly reduce the risk of spreading a virus.

5. Wash your hands
After cleaning your teeth, always wash your hands. When washing your hands be sure to include, palm to palm, back of hands, in between fingers, around thumbs & the tips of your fingers. Use a clean, dry towel to dry your hands with.
